Monday, March 9, 2009

Just the facts...about abuse

On the average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends every day, a child is abused every 60 seconds; a child dies every 20 minutes, at the hands of their mother or America.


  1. Yes, an on this sad note it seems Oprah Winfrey is doing a show on domestic violence this week because a woman was beaten by her Pop Start boyfriend. It is note worthy that there is at least some social outcry taking place, but it seems to require a pop figure to get society to focus some attention on the topic. It is human nature it seems, that we have to experience through some personal connection before we are moved to act, and this is one of those times we should not wait for it to come preying it's misfortune our direction personally ? There is no poster child and no Pop Star attraction branding that is focusing our society to speak up for the thousands upon thousands of voiceless and nameless children that need all of our eyes, and the courage of our voices to speak up for them in the presence of observance. This is a behavior infestation in human societies that can be altered with public pressure being brought to bare though self examination and not turning away from it when we see it.

    It can be done because the presence of child abuse is observed in different amounts through different cultural societies globally.

    Kids who are beaten by their parents whom they love, mistakenly believe that they actually deserved to be treated like this. Then through imprinting, learn this behavioral thinking that this is the normal response to a difficult moment when dealing with their children as an adult, and the sickness is past from generation to generation.

    Intelligent, thoughtful choices of behavioral correction for children can be made by parents and adults that surround them and backed up by boundaries and limitations that foster a consistent stable environment with love, attention and appreciation that the child can grow up in while the child learns from their mistakes.

    An adult that acts out by hitting a child is an act of violence and is a sign that the adult does not have control over their own behavioral reactions, and is not exercising their mind when dealing with problems. The adults response has to be addressed. There is training available and abusive parents should be reminded of this. Their will be mistakes made where speaking out that might have been misjudged. But speaking up does not have to be done with anger or violence in it self, this again is the same behavior response that needs to be address. Not speaking up at all allows these problems to continue through generations. Instead calm straight talk resisting any rise in personal anger is what is needed, beyond that there are authorities and laws for repeating offenders.

  2. excellent comment, I agree with you on the point of "through generations" also known as Transgeneration.

    Children who witness abuse statistically become abusers later in life. Straight talk, resisting the draw of anger and pasion of the moment.

    Well stated, you make many good points.
