Monday, November 25, 2013

When Your Teen Gets Into the Wrong Crowd

If you swim with the sharks, you're bound to get bit. One bad apple spoils the whole bushel. Bad company corrupts good character. Many parents have added these phrases to their lexicon, because they illustrate the dangers of running with the "wrong crowd". As moms and dads, we know how susceptible kids are to peer influence. You've likely spent many sleepless nights worrying about the people your child is hanging around. What are they teaching my son? What are they pressuring my daughter to do? Are these friends that will give needed support and encouragement to my teen, or are they the type of people who will bring my child down?

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False Sense of Maturity Teaching Teens to be Resonsible

It's probably happened to a lot of dads. Your kid spends his mornings watching you drag yourself to the bathroom mirror, pile some shaving cream in your hand, break out your razor, and start shaving your face. Soon, your son (or maybe even daughter) decides they need to shave too. So you squirt a little cream in their hands, supply them a with tongue depressor, and let them "shave." As you both lean into the vanity mirror, it's hard not to laugh, watching your five-year-old seriously attack the non-existent stubble on his face.

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Child abuse, Know the Red Flags

December 2011

Elsevier Global Medical News

SAN FRANCISCO - The color of a bruise indicates its age. You'll almost always see bruising when a child has a fracture. Sexual abuse leaves behind physical exam findings.

These are all myths that can get in the way of physicians recognizing abuse of an infant or child. Physicians are required by law to report all suspicions of nonaccidental trauma, a catch-all term for child abuse, shaken baby syndrome, and battered-child syndrome.

Physicians can meet that obligation by ignoring these myths, recognizing red flags for nonaccidental trauma, and being familiar with signs of accidental trauma or medical conditions that can mimic the physical findings of nonaccidental trauma, Dr. Maureen D. McCollough said at the Scientific Assembly of the American College of Emergency Physicians.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Communicating with Your Teen

As a child moves from his elementary years into early adolescence, it's essential that the style of communicating with your child change with them. They are moving from "concrete" thinking to "abstract" thought. What was "non-hormonal" now becomes laced with hormones. Total dependence moves closer to independence. While they have always wanted to listen, now they want to express.
It's important for parents to transition with their child, to change their style of communication rather than not talking at all. Sadly, if this transition is not accomplished, then the next time that communication, or lack thereof, shows itself, is when your child begins to struggle or have difficulties, and desperately needs someone to talk to.

The Birds and the Bees, Talking to Your Teen about Sex

It's never a conversation a mom or dad wants to have with their child. Talking about sex with your teen or pre-teen is uncomfortable for both you and your kid. There's a level of embarrassment, a fumbling for the right words, perhaps a hesitancy to share or to ask questions. I'll be honest; I've been talking to teens about sex for close to three decades, and it never gets any easier.

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