"Freedom 3-14-13 is actually a day. March 14th of this year was the day that my "freedom" was given to me."
Well, it has been quite a while since I have made a blog post. I kept having an itching to post, but always got myself busy in other things. Life has been full of ups and downs but I am still here so I guess I am learning to roll with the punches. I have a great support system in person, and also a great support system online, here.
Anyway, there has been so much going on that I don’t really know where to start but I will say this. I HATE HOW THIS WORLD ACTS BLIND TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING/Modern DAY SLAVERY. I had a status for Facebook that I wrote down but never posted. I said, “When will you notice us? We are sold every day, sometimes right before your eyes, but you are too blind to see!! Do we have to be a shiny car for you to notice we’re dying??” I will admit, I was a little mad when I was writing it. I just was thinking of how we are changing laws, and bring awareness, and trying to make things better when it really should be common sense for people. All of these things should already of been done and this problem gone. There should not have to be any pulling of teeth in order to get things done, and changes made. The reason the world is so messed up, I believe, is because people like to play the ignorance game. They don’t want to show that they know what is going on, or they just don’t want to believe it. I’m sorry, but even if you believe the air does not have oxygen in it, it does. So even if you believe Human Trafficking does not happen where you are, it does; and even if you think you can’t do anything to stop it, you can. I just wish everyone would go to the bathroom and flush ignorance down the toilet once and for all.
I will share this. When I was with my trafficker I was around others (outside of the circle of traffickers around me) a lot of the times that I was bought and even just talking to the people who would buy me. Being Deaf I was to not speak (I can voice mind you, but the guys liked the thrill of being with a Deaf girl), so I was to only allowed write in a notebook. I still have the writing from the last man who was to buy me. It was March 10th that I met him, 4 days before my freedom day. I got in his car and we sat there and he would write in the notebook and I would just nod or mime. He was military because I saw his card on the dash; I am guessing a veteran, though, as he did not have great motor skills. Anyway, near us was a car that was broke down. After a couple minutes of me being in the car, a police car pulled up between us and the broken down vehicle. The police officer never even looked at us. I don’t think he was even aware that there were people in the vehicle. After we finished the meeting, and he did what he wanted, I got out of the car and walked right by the officer and broken down car.
This is the sort of thing that has happened to me loads of times. A police car goes by or evens parks near me and the person buying me. People walk by me. I even have had some people stop and talk to me directly while I was waiting to be picked up (usually at busy places). Some have even told me I should “smile because there is so much light in the world.” The people who know me outside of trafficking know that I smile a lot, but I lose my smile when I am “working”. I just am always in a sense of fear. That I can mess up at any time, and so I am more focused on doing the right things (according to my trafficker) rather than smiling and having a good time.
My point in bringing this incident up is just a showing of what I mean by people being ignorant to the things around them. I even know someone who told me that she used to over hear people talking to their children about her. Calling her a whore and prostitute and that she was trash because of how she was dressed. What they did not know, or refused to believe, or believed she deserved whatever happened to here, was that she was being beat often and made to make a certain amount of money or risk her life. Hearing those things never really made her want life more.
I guess my plea is for people to just stop looking at us as not good enough and see us for who we are, even if we do not see ourselves in a good way. I have called myself so many things (non-cursing things but still up there). I have believed so many negative things about myself, and I am fighting to tear down the painted mirror so that I can see the real me. I gave up on myself, but the people around me are not allowing me to give up now, and if I do they are right there to catch me and put my train back on the tracks. I thank them so much for that! I would not be here without them because things got really hard after my freedom was given to me.
So, please, don’t ignore us, don’t give up on us, do fight for us, do fight beside us, do encourage us, and do motivate us!! Many of us have had so many people ignore us, give up on us, fight us, discourage us, and in no way motivate us to live. We have had enough of that to last a life time. Likewise, please raise awareness for this problem so that more babies, children, teens, young adults, and adults can be saved and not have to go through this. Let me ask you, do you believe a person is worth a full cart of groceries?? I don’t. People are priceless. Let us END THIS WAR for good, please.
91 days of freedom.